обо мне since 1985
Почему мы это делаем? Потому что мы можем!
— Graham Coxon, |Blur
— Noel Gallagher, Oasis
Young British Artists
Damien Hirst gets Turner prize for a divided cow
The similar go-get-'em moods dominate the art scene. Young British Artists, led by Damien Hirst, are making art as outrageous as possible. In 1995, Hirst himself gets the Turner Prize (the most prestigious prize in Fine Arts) for "Mother and Child (Divided)" - the installation consisting of a cow and a calf, divided in halves and put in tanks of formaldehyde.
Sarah Lucas' Self Portrait and "I'm Desperate" by Gillian Wearing


The Anthem on Air
She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge
The song Common People released by Pulp in 1996 is voted a Britpop anthem. In a 2012 question and answer session on BBC Radio 5 Live Cocker said that he was having a conversation with the girl at the bar at [Central Saint Martins] college because he was attracted to her, although he found some aspects of her personality unpleasant. He remembered that at one point she had told him she "wanted to move to Hackney and live like 'the common people"
Written by Natasha Savicheva
All rights for images and videos belong to their authors.
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